Alhamdulillah final dah pun cam biasa la final no komen la..mang dah abes final aku akan mencarut zip still goes on..nothing to be regret..ok lets move on..
korang still ingat life's brief candle poem?
To-morrow, and to-morrow,
and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dust
y death.
Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow,
a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more:
it is a tale
Told by an idiot,
full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing
nothing pun just cam terfikir sekolah bukan takat faham poem nie..tapi hafal siap..tapi dah naik dewasa aku dah semakin malas..kenapa ya?
cuti nie cuba la muhasabahkan diri sikit..sebab entah tekanan dalam fikiran aku ni..aku pun tak taw ape puncanye..


**saya memang orang yang agak rumit..hope holiday nie boley memberikan ketenangan kepada saya..
happy holiday you all! have a sweet time with your family! (:
p/s : hope lebam2 smua cepat sembuh ye! (:
selamat bercuti brader..
pasni mesti lg tenang bermessage smpi pg en...xde org kaco..huhu
happy oliday 2...sblum nie ade org kco ke?hahahaha
ade le...eden slalu kaco en...sian nk msg pon susah bile org interfrem...hhuhu
x de la...aku flexible je mak..x de hal la..hehe
iyo le tu...~
:) happy holiday! balek la cpt2!! rumah bg ketenangan bia pn bosan
insyaallah akn blik cpt..sgt serabut skang..dush!thankz pip
awat serabut nye pon?
samesame!! :)
aah, serabut ape nye pon? meh story meh!! ^^
cite mai cite...=D
tahla..byk sgt mende yg serabut...diri nie pon dh x terurus..yosh! t la story mory..
hope lik ley terurus sket..=p
alolo, story ehhh! insyaAllah bole.
p/s tu utk spe? haha!
klo rjin t story la...wekkk! insyaallah...
tah ank sape tah yg lebam kepala lutut bagai..wekkk!
rajen wehh rajen! hehh~
mak asal gelak? haha. mak mak. skandal ye mak skang! smpai ati xbtau aku!
thankyouuuu! ^_^
hahahaha...mae ade skandal la..~ =DD
iyolah2..tgk la klo rjin on klo x off..
mak ngn skandal bru..wink2
aik terase ke?welcome2..^^
ahh xde, on jgk!
tahh mak, cite la. cite cite!
haha, bkn ke? sory kalo bkn. _ _"
tgk gak mud..wekkk!
p tye mak..maleh nk gosip kt sni..ayok!hee
ala..ye2..tuk ang..weee...^^
xpe xpe xpeeee.. xpakse pon! haha
yela, t korek ngn mak!
heee, thankyou!! tq tq tq! :)
lagu blog lyn abes. ske! ^^
kan pipah..lagu blog die best...eden suko nyo pun~! =DD
ayat nk tacink je..dush!heee
sile korek ye..wajib..huuu
wah..bkn men bnyknye tq..sapu minyak smpai lebam!hehhh
heee..bese2..sila la lyn lgu nie..mang best! aku harus jujur sket..heee
xtacink nye pon! ayok! haha. tp stori r. huuu!
abeh r mak. mak!!!!
mesti r kne byk! kne kne! tu r, smpai lebam br ke? hahahh..
ye2. aku harus jujur. huiyyoo! =p
iyolah2..bereh boh!tettt~
ahaha..ang jgn wat x phm lak pngunaan prkataan 2..pnt trunkn ilmu...hahaha
ayok...jujur 2...weeeee
bereh bereh. pandai!! :)
yela yela yela. bos ni, emo je kje. haha! :D
eh eh, org tulis blek je tjuk lagu. wek! hee
heee..sile beri tunjuk aja..=D
bkn emo..melanggar pantang 2...heee
ecece...bru taw ke lgu nie?heee =]
berehh.. xdop mslh! hee ^^
ritu blaja xde pn pantang2. ayok!
ecece. wat2 taw. ahaha :P
weeee....thankz sifu kemah!=D
erk..x khatam lgi 2..p bce kitab 2..wekkk!=p
ececece...dga n hafal lirik smpai lebam...^^
huhu, t kite wat kls! xdehal la. haha :P
de pulak kitab en. ceh ceh
ala, kne ke hafal? ayok!
ayok..kelas?wah smgt sgt nie nk aja...ape hal nie?hahaha..=p
ade2...t den bgi...wekkkk!
haha...x perlu la hafall..yosh!^^
wek! xnk sudae! ape ade hal.
ckp lebat weiiiii! huh
spe nk hafal nye pon. ahaha ^^
ahahaha...iyolah2 pah oiii...dush!
x la lebat sgt...ehhh...tereng skang lebat...ayok..sme la cm ang pong pang pong pang gak..haha
heee...ish3..korea bkn hafal khatam trus...ayok!
heee :P
eleh eleh. mang ujan. tp xde la lebat nye pon. pong pang pong pang!!! haha
spe? kmu? haruslah! wink2!
okay tarik diri...xmau kaco..huehue =D
ouh yeke...ceh...nk cite lebat je...siku nk?dush!
ade plak den lyn korea...plis! hahahaha
x sweet lngsung lyn korea! teetttt! statement sket! hahaha..:)
amboi3! siku best sgt ke nk offer2? haaa? :p
bia ah bia ah bia ah. xyah tgk! xyahhh!
ngeee~ =p
eceh..mesti la best klo x best x la offer..wink2..hee sweet mang x tgk nye pun...weeee..=D
amende amende. haish!
amboi3! best sgt ke? pe yg best? wek!
mak aihhh, pasan bnor! baekkkkkkk! :)
lme x menjenguk komen bloh...heeee...
amende pip amende...=p
ceh ayat nk same je. ahaha. meh nk ayat same gak "xde la lme sgt" wee!
amende koci amende. =p
kne la same..kate....x de pape la...hehehe
iye pip iye...ehhh...congratz taw kt anak buah! klo dkt dh blnje dh dorg..seryes2
weewit! kate ape? kate ape? stori skett. meh sni meh. nk tawuu jgk! =p
iye iye. heee okei. sbg mak sdare, mrk wakilkn sy utk mngucapkn ribuan time kasehh x terhingga kat kmu. mrk ckp, xpe2, lenkali bole je blanje. one day.. dorg ckp gak, jgn lupe blanje maksdare dorg skali. weeeehuu ^_^
kate pipah...mesti la same...lalalalalallaala =p
ahahaa...amboi yg statement blnje mak sedara sekali 2 cm menambah je...tettt...tetttt... mak sedara gedik! x mo blnje...wekkkkk!
eh dan2. amboi3!
ala, org taip ape yg dorg ckp je. ahaha :p
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