Sapa yang tak tahu bufday kan? surely la you guys sangat happy kan bila tiba bufday korang?
Nak dijadikan cerita adala seorang nie lahir pada tanggal 13 Apri 1976 199*. Masih muda lagi kn? stil young ma. Saya cuma rasa gembira sangat dapat join kecerian untuk tarikh tersebut baru-baru ni.
Nah ni antara gambar-gambar yang sempat dicuri disnap. ups! sit back and enjoy the feels!

cant remember its name. so ill give it a name steak burito?

mix steak. yummy!

two of us combined :')
Here's come the suprise part. SUPRISE! tadaaaa~ Red Velvet with Cheese Cream! looks yummy kan? such a naise cuppie cakes. got strawberry, blackberry , kit kat!
Apa lgi terkejut la bufday gal kita :P

nice strawberry

A to the M to the A to the L
So guess sapa nye bufday? tradaaaaaa~

close enough raite? troLOL
Happy Birthday Amal
Sweet 41 21!
Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki :)
p.s : specially dedicated to u :') thanks to Amalina Tuna for joining us :)