Lets make some different here..Friends..just want to get your your permission to write this post in english
orait just to brush up my english
ok i just want to share some articles that ive read from unknown source..haha..for all girls okies..so guys may leave this blog by this line..=D
Why you should marry an Engineer Let me tell you why girls should eventually marry an engineer over a Law, Management, Arts or Medical School Graduate. He has three distinct advantages over the rest of the graduates.
Advantage 1: Secure lifestyle
Law graduates are still working as a lowly apprentice in law firm.
Most management graduates have just failed on their first business plan.
The arts graduate is still looking for a job.
And the medical school graduate is still living in a hospital.
Advantage 2: Unmatchable industriousness
Unlike the Lawyer who will argue with you.
The Management graduate who will try to control your spending, The Arts graduate who will 'change major'.
And the medical school graduate who will operate on you.
And you know what, it's really so easy to make engineer s believe that You are the 'one'. Say that you like one of their project and they will be hooked to you forever.
Advantage 3: An engineer boyfriend will never betray your trust.
Let me first tell you what is wrong with the rest of the others - The lawyers will lie about everything.
Management graduates will cheat your money.
The arts graduate will flirt, and you probably just look like another cadaver to the medical school graduate.
Your engineer boyfriend is either too busy to have an affair, and even if he does, he is too dumb to lie to you about that. Hence, an engineer is the most secure boyfriend that you will ever find - rich enough, will keep on trying to understand and please you, has no time for affairs, and too dumb to lie to you. plus they r cooler than the others
(Juz joking.. don't sue me ok.. hahaha :-P)
mang la nk tulis dlm english, copy paste je.. org pna bce la..haha! wekkkk! cambridge A1 jgk? hebat!! oii gmbr bwh duk grinding, abess hot la tu! ahahahah =)
lepas ni memang kene carik husband engineer la
haha..ala intro 2 la mksud den..yg len mang copy paste..kn dh gtaw..haha..ala zaman skola kot..dh x teror dh pon n kaku je klo nk mgarang nie..haha
oit..hot apenye gamba bwh 2 sem lps klas kul 8 ngn x mndi nye tros pkai bju..lmbt weyh bgun..haishh..klo x kne halau x ley wat lab..
haha..up 2 korg la..sje je..kind of nice article..share je la..=D
cari2 jgn x cari!=]
org amek english sem ni, so sifu, mulakan ajaran anda!! hoho, so, abes busukk r tu? patut r rambut cmtu.. ish!
english!bru amek ke?haha..x pndai la..oit..den mang sentiase wangi la..haiyaa..lgi maw tye ka?
haha..sekli je kot bgun lwat n kabut cm 2..haishh..rmbut..haha..x dpt dislmtkn..=]
aihh..byk sgt english kne amek..bpe kli kne amek tah..eleh xpndaii..boo!! busuk busuk..ape daa! agak2 r tanak mndi ponn.haha! rambut2, pkai wig jela..wawawa =p
ouh yeke..aiseh sifu ley la anda aja english t k..nyum2..
oit..agk2 le mang x busuk pon..meh cpt bau..lol
rmbut?oit wig lak..dush3x..sory la now lyn baby oil je..lalalala
aih mr.engineer, kmu la sifu sbenar benarnye.. haha! cet spe nk bau, da tawu busuk, maen jaoh2! :p huaaa, baby oil, comel je.. ahaha!
oit den x pndai la kak pip oii..huhu..sifu2 x ley..
ala x try lgi mang la..yosh!
haha..seryes meyh..lyn baby oil kate kulit selembut bayi..tettt~
ala, xyah nk merendah diri sgt..kan mr.engineer? girls shud take note kan? haha! ahhhh, busuk2.. org tanak la bau2 busuk ni, nk try pon tanak..busuk!! wahhh, kulit selembut bayi? hahaa, mang comel abesss! =)
merendah diri aponyo..x de koje den nk merendah diri!yosh..
x nk sudah..jgn menyesal!wekk..
haha..sengal!bese la rambut kn kne jge!lalallaa
ecececece..tu diaaaa,haha! alahhh, xde nk menyesal2nye.. lbey lg yg busuk2 ni.wekkk!maen la jaoh2 yea! =p wahwah, yela, kulit selembut bayi, rambut bersinar2, wahhhhhh koci wahhhhh =)
hekla3x..kepoh lak..org wangi...lalallalalala
haha..bese2...silau tgk rmbut den..tettt~
mang la kepoh.haha..br tawu? wangi hape? busukk je manjang!=p .. yela silau, sbb tu posmen xjumpa uma..haha.oihh nk kopok lekor ea? sian, da lme mntk kn.. huhu
2 la pasal..haishh..tah pe tah kome nie jampi kt kad raye den smpai posmen 2 kne pukau..hahaha
kopok leko?ade ke?
salam kenal.
haha. best n3 ni, sbb aku pun bakal engineer gak! hohoi!
haha..cayalah mat pintu!gua mang ske..hidup engineer!yosh!
salam kenal juge!
tu diaaa mr.engineer sume! mne la tawu kad raye tu..t soh mak smpn, rye taon dpn bce r.tu pn kalo smpai en.haha! ade ke x, laen cite, nk ke kopok leko?da soh umi book.huhu..
erk...cm nie la tah2 x anta pon..sobs!
boley jgk klo nk bg..*malu tibe2*..lol
eh org anta la..penat wat esei, smpai ati lak kate x anta.. haa t blek bangi, dtg amek r.haha =)
ouh yeke..aiseh..apo kono la x dpt2 lgi..okies2..bereh!thankz..=]
tah..eh mmber tu ckp dia pnye da smpai, kome? pe cite? haha! orait2, mang dak2 ni soh bli pn, tu skalikan trus. =)
ouh..smpai2 tdi..tq byk!len kali post le byk3x
samesame! 20 pn xckup? amboi!
20 la sgt..ish..ckp je bgi 20..aiyak!
20 la.. smpai brp? 1 je ke? ade la tu sangkut kat imigresen. haha!
boooo!x nk mgalah 20..dush3
takpe, taon dpn 40.. eh, da kua list kn? haha =)
aiseh..*pujuk supaya x kua list*
igt dpt? tula, nk ban sgt. kne sabar je, smpai jgk kad rye tu.. huhu!
x kad 2 takot..ckp ban!tros smpai..gertak sket org kate..x nk bgi x pe..x elok pakse org..huk3
wah, intelligent kad tu. tgk r sape bg.. woot!! huhu.. ala, ikhlas la. ikhlas2! ^_^
ahaha..ye2..tawla bgi nye pon intelligent..huhu
fuhh selamat ayat pancing,sile 40 kad raye taun dpn..=]
mcm pernah tgk jer gambar hiasan tuh sblum ni. Saper jurugambar tuh?
haha..ye engku..thankz 4 da pic!
nk gak..=p
wahwah bergambar. elehhh, 40 je? mang r intelligent. superb! =p
erk..40 ckup la..x baek tamak2 sgt..huk3..
wow inteligent..sile tunjuk ajar!^^
tp tu r, tkut hlg 39, tinggal 1 je smpai meru. tu pn kalo smpai. ke nk kad rye haji gak? haha. ala, kad tu intelligent sbenanye ikut penerima.. peewitt ^_^
erk..cm nie r..raye haji cm x balik je..nk bgi bgi je la..hahaha
erk..ape lak..ikut yg org mnulis 2 la..ikut den mang x de kaitan la..lol
=) xmo r rye haji. xde bajet. pokai! =( awat xblek? haha, ikut dua2 jela sng.
cuti jap je en?x taw la..rasenye cm jap je..yosh!
tah. rye hji pn tataw ble. hehe =p woah lgu blog, jiwang dow brader!
ahaha..lju tnet ley dga lgu..ahahaha..
jiwang ke?x la..pembaca blog nie la jiwang..tetttt~
haha.tenet sape? den. HARUSLAH! wawawa! ecece, pembaca blog terpengaruh ngn penulis r. "exclude me plis!" =)
hekla3x..tibe2 pnulis blog lak kne..excluded kome?*gelak guling2*
ye ah. spe pnye blog. wekk! .. haa gelak la smpai LEBAM!!! gelak gelak!
yela blog den..tpi permintaan pembaca2 smua..ahahaha
pembaca la jiwang..booo!
tengah gelak la nie..=))..wekk
wow, permintaan pembaca? fuyohhh, penulis blog femes r ni? fuhh, bangga jd pembaca.. eleh, penulis r jiwang!
gelakk lg, gelak la.. ish!!
erk...ahaha..x de mknenye femes..haishhh!
masih gelak lgi..wakakka
fuyohhhhh, femes wohhhh.. perform katenye.. ^_^
gelak la smpai lebammmmmmm! grr!
ahahhaha..perform penye..bese2 je..=p
masih tgu lembam x lebam lgi..ahahah
star! artis! hot! nk sign bole? bole la.. plis! "sambil wat muke comel" wawawa..
lembam? pon boleyyy.. ahahaha.. ok tuka turn, den lak nk gelak guling2.. boo typo! bergelap ke brader? haha!
erk..boley dik comel tpi kne bratur..ahahahaha..*sambil wat mke sombong*..wakakaka
ish..mane ade star pon la..grrr!
erk..ok mengaku salah!klam kabut+serabut..
terimakasih abg sbb ckp saye comel! haha! sign jgn lupe taw!! ^_^ "sambil excited sbb abg wat2 sombong nk bg sign" haha.. =p
ngaku salah. oh! ok pelik! haha.. jgn la asek bergelap.. ish3!
ok gelak guling2 jap pasan..ahahhaha
ok wat muke x lyn smbil bgi org laen potong queue..=p
erk..la dh mang sala kali nie x de pape rintangan ahahaa
ok fine! sombong! takpe2.. "sambil wat muke rilek" haha. wow ramai org queue, terasa kerdil je diri ini.. cewahh! haha
haha.. xde rintangan ea? COBAAN! =p
erk..ok next sambil x usha kome ngn bergaye pkai spec hitam..ahaha
erk..ok cobaan pon boley..cobaan(p ramlee)..ahaha
hakhak. pkai ray-ban ehhh? fuyohhh! ok sombong!
p.ramlee? yela labu! =)
ahaha..ray ban yg polarize ok!ahahaha
erk..labu la plak msuk..-_-"
polarize? hamboi demand!! blnje den 1! ^_^
oh well, p.ramlee katenye =)
hekla..bak dtg la pasar mlmnye sudah..ahaha
ahaha..pipah ramlee?nice one la!
downtown? fuyohhhh.. nk 1!
hey hey.. slh eja nme abah tu! pantang2!!
erk..ok t hadiahkan yg longgok2 2..ok?
hekla3x..pasan2 org ckap p ramlee..lalala
longgok2 pn, longgok2 la.. xpkai branded2 ni. xmmpu. huhu!
ish!! grrr..
ouh..bgus la ad org yg bli longgok2 nie..save budget..ahaha
ala..emo je skang en!..ish3x
xmampu cmni r. haha
haa, mang la. pengaruh org tua! =p
yola 2..eyp open house bilenye?prot dh lme dh nie saving nk mlntk..hahaha
sapo org tue?yanie?ahaha
alaaa, taon dpn la. xsmpt taon ni. niat da ade, tp x kesampaian. sori! nex year insyaAllah!!
yanie? dak aihhh.. azrizal hussin je. haha! =p
ouh yeke..xpe2..wat la open house kt lua ke..banje ktorg mkn ke..sounds nice kan?huu
hekla3x..tue la sgt..-_-"
apekate korg yg banje ktorg? sounds better! "sambil kenyit mate" ^^
aah, tua2!!
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